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September 2024: It’s the Mix That Matters

August 2024 marked a notable loss for NYC media as WCBS News Radio 880, a long-standing institution, ceased operations. In today’s media environment, consumers have a plethora of options to access the information and knowledge they seek. Naturally, they gravitate toward platforms that align with their interests and lifestyle. As a result, few broad market platforms exist and marketers need to cobble together a mix of outlets to effectively reach their desired audience to drive business growth.

The Impact of Media Fragmentation on Marketing and Advertising

Programmatic advertising has emerged as a solution, offering the ability to target specific audiences with precision. By leveraging vast amounts of consumer data, brands can serve ads to individuals most likely to engage or convert. While this is undeniably efficient for direct response, it raises concerns about how brands introduce themselves to new, less obvious prospects in the absence of broad-reaching media.

In sectors like tourism and experiential services, top-of-funnel brand-building activities have taken a backseat to transactional advertising that focuses on immediate returns. The pressure to deliver measurable results often leads marketers to allocate budgets toward platforms designed to drive short-term sales, frequently targeting consumers who are already inclined to make a purchase. This approach, while efficient, can divert resources from brand-building efforts that might reach consumers earlier in their decision-making process. As 2025 planning begins, marketers should consider whether it’s time to recalibrate their investments to strike a balance between chasing immediate sales and cultivating future audiences.

City Guide Media’s Role in the Marketing Mix

City Guide magazine offers a unique opportunity to bridge both brand awareness and transactional marketing. Every day, thousands of visitors turn to the magazine to explore NYC’s diverse attractions and discover new experiences, engaging with content precisely when they are making decisions about how to spend their time and money. This positions City Guide not only as a valuable bottom-of-funnel resource but also as a top-of-funnel platform, introducing brands to consumers who may not yet be familiar with them. The magazine delivers both reach and relevance, engaging millions of potential customers who are increasingly hard to find through other channels.

As we approach the holiday season and plan for 2025, reevaluating your media strategy could provide an opportunity to achieve a more balanced approach—one that builds long-term brand equity while driving short-term revenue.

RIP WCBS 880. You’ll be missed during the morning commute.


David Miller
